Jan lamprecht book hollow planets jan 2017

For those who just simply know, have awakened, no proof is ever needed, for all those skeptics, still asleep, living inside the 3d matrix, no proof will ever suffice. The subterranean cities of agartha seems to derive from aryavartha, which to the hindus is the place of origin of the vedas were constructed by atlanteans as refugees from the radioactive fallout produced by the nuclear war they fought, and also referred to huguenins theory that flying saucers were atlantean. From southern latitudes it rises about 30 minutes before the sun during the first few days of the new year, although against the. Jan 31, 2002 a scientific examination of the possibility earth, mercury, and venus are hollow. More scientific proof that iq is in hereditary jews lie for their survival. A rare astrological event will be occurring from january the 7th until february the 6th. Biggest coverup in human history our earth is actually hollow, so much for the education system. War on journalism escalates as australian police raid abc for exposing war crimes. Cross section of a hollow planet with neutrino overpressure at its core. Aug 30, 2017 seismic analysis by jan lamprecht and recent observations of jupiter by nasa, collaborate further in support of the hollow planet theory. The paranormies present hollow planets hollow earth we are joined by jan lamprecht, author of hollow planets, the definitive introduction and guide to the hollow earth theory.

The increase in the height of atmosphere above the antarctic in the antarctic spring is what jan lamprecht theorized in his book, hollow planets, caused the skylab satellite to burn up in the atmosphere. We are joined by jan lamprecht, author of hollow planets, the definitive introduction and guide to the hollow earth theory. Conspiracy theory a hypothesis that some covert but influential organization is responsible for a circumstance or event. Also, a paper presented by jan lamprecht in 2003 shows how seismic data related to our planet is easier to interpret using a hollow earth model than a solid earth model. I have just finished reading a very detailed book that has half convinced me that the earth and other planetary bodies are hollow. Lamprechts book is a credit to independent thought and is very, very well documented. A feasibility study of possible hollow worlds second edition jan lamprecht print isbn. A feasibility study of possible hollow worlds grave distraction publications, 2014. The hollow earth agharta, the subterranean world inner earth compilation. How churchill lied about german unification with austria. A scientific examination of the possibility earth, mercury, and venus are hollow. Join facebook to connect with jan lamprecht and others you may know. The default sunrise and sunset are calculated from london. All planets are moving direct a rare astrological event will be occurring from january the 7th until february the 6th.

Jan 07, 2017 all planets direct jan 8 feb 5, 2017 a portal of opportunity and good fortune opens up from january 8th through february 5th when all of the major planets will be moving in direct motion. The link to my shop is in the menu, but you can also click here to. A closer look at our planet and signs point to it being hollow like the rest of the planets in our solar system. Later i was to learn that the hollow earth debate has been going on for about 200 years but previously, prior to 1908, it was a debate in which scientists took part. Although mercury passed inferior conjunction on december 28th its not long before the fast moving planet reappears in the predawn sky. All planets direct jan 8 feb 5, 2017 a portal of opportunity and good fortune opens up from january 8th through february 5th when all of the major planets will be moving in direct motion. It is a phrase coined by stephanie wave forest, she was the first astrologer to publish articles about the event. His book, hollow planets was published in july 1999. I published hollow planets in 1999 and government by deception in 2002. The german ernst zundel went to jail for printing this small book in canada. Mars, the moon and venus looked rather lovely in the evening sky on the 2nd january, and i was able to make a daylight observation of venus, then later an observation of mars.

Yet, lists are given to help get an understanding of a planets energies and actions. I know this sounds ridiculous, and if someone here gives a good answer why not, ill change my mind, and get very annoyed that i read a 500 page page book that can be disproved. With this fortuitous forward moving planetary synchronization, there is a flowing harmony and order that transforms potential into real possibility and. A feasibility study of possible hollow worlds aims to answer that question. Jan lamprecht hollow earth theory inner earth science evidence. The hollow earth agharta, the subterranean world cosmic. Its 600 pages long with many diagrams and photographs.

Evidence is adding up in support of the electric universe model in which planets, stars and moons are likely to. A feasibility study of possible hollow worlds grave. The sanskrit word for planet is graha, which means seizing, laying hold of, holding, obtaining, perceiving, apprehending, or grasping. While the word planet does not include the sun and the moon, the word graha includes the luminaries. Later the great mathematician, leonhard euler speculated about this, as did the scientist, sir john leslie. Seeing was not terrible good but a number of features were visible on the disk. Seismic analysis by jan lamprecht and recent observations of jupiter by nasa, collaborate further in support of the hollow planet theory. He believed this could be explained by having two fixed magnetic poles north and south in the crust of a hollow earth, and two more inside which were moving. Discover book depositorys huge selection of jan lamprecht books online. Invariably they found that northern latitudes were far warmer than they should be if heat from the sun alone was the source. Everything in the entire encyclopedia can be gone through and divided into one of the nine planets. He has had an intense interest in offbeat subjects such as ufos, etc. Could the planets mercury, venus and earth possibly be hollow.

Let me show you how my hollow planet seismic model can explain the earths seismology better than the existing solid earth seismic model and yet not one person at any university has shown the slightest interest in this. Hollow earth theory inner earth science evidence hollow planets proof 2. This january 2017 calendar is very useful for a lot of different purposes, for example planning your vacation. What killed the debate was when admiral robert peary claimed in 1908 to have discovered the north pole. Born in zimbabwe, now living in johannesburg, south africa, jan lamprecht has been involved with computer programming, consulting, etc. See below the month calendar of january 2017 including week numbers. The purpose of this page is to demonstrate a number of most amazing things about. According to john cleves symmes jr, an american officer, trader and lecturer.

Jul 18, 2014 the hollow earth agharta, the subterranean world inner earth compilation. A feasibility study of possible hollow worlds jan lamprecht on. Evidence is adding up in support of the electric universe model in which planets, stars and moons are likely to be hollow rather than solid to the core. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. I was so impressed with this old book that my goal was to write a new book that could finally take its place, and that resulted in my book hollow planets. Lamprecht has laid out a solid case for how a hollow planet is consistent with known scientific facts about the earth. I pledged my life in support of this truth, and i am ready to explore the hollow, if the world will.

Biggest coverup in human history our earth has a huge other world inside. That is an abbreviation of, all planets in direct motion. The english word to grab comes from the same root word. Sep 18, 2007 i have just finished reading a very detailed book that has half convinced me that the earth and other planetary bodies are hollow. Earth sounds so strange symphony of the planets voice of earth. From southern latitudes it rises about 30 minutes before the sun during the first few days of the new year, although against the bright twilight sky it will be very difficult to spot. A feasibility study of possible hollow worlds by jan lamprecht isbn.

Conspiracy a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful. Hollow earth theory inner earth science evidence hollow planets. Hollow earth hollow planets page 8 mybroadband forum. Agartha, also called inner earth or hollow earth has live civilizations living in the. Chris, managed to help me locate a number of old books, written in and and the earths polar diameter is only given as a mere 26 miles less than the equatorial. And the book s main thesis was that huge cavities may well exist inside planets and i touched on the possibility that these cavities were inhabited. This book contains interviews with many top scientists in fields as diverse as seismology and astronomy. The secret usaf exploration of space by jan lamprecht.

To me, this was the best of all the old books written on the subject. Of all the books i read on the hollow earth, this one by marshall gardner in 1923 was one i used a lot. Aerial view from hotair balloon over a desert grassland in the namib rand game reserve in namibia. Various authors will disagree on certain significations, so the important point is to not become attached to a particular form but understand how a planet. Theory a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something.

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